Wall of Love 💞
komunitas yg sangat suportif asli ini membantu banget buat aku yg cuma mau gerak kalo udah kepepet 😭
if you're passionate about building or doing things (whatever field that is), perhaps closa might be the one for you! it's a hub for likeminded people who are very supportive of each other progress
wohoho ngga kerasa dah 100 jam produktif bareng closaa cool environment yg semua org wajib cobain si!! gass cek @joinclosa
Joining Closa has been one of the best decisions. Become a member for about a month finally, I earned the badge for 100 hours of coworking. I managed to complete my side project outside of role as a full-timer.
decided to try closa today after ignoring it for months thinking it wouldn't do any good, oh boi how i was wrong. As a person with adhd this keeps me for 2 hours straight. kudos to@aaprianil for making this
can't believe this!
@joinclosa 30 days is not a lie, I also work on weekends

join closa and follow EVB project
Finally something to showoff haha Thank for support @joinclosa !  Some project on working:  - Bearmentor
- Anilist
- Writing Technical in Malang Cloud
Ikut @joinclosa aja, semacem support group yang bakal “maksa” lu buat konsisten & show up tiap hari

Gw udah coba and it works
- Program buat produktifnya gokil bgt, it just works. cocok banget buat manusia suka menunda seperti saya
- Community supportive bgt Thanks @aaprianil udah invite, superb!
harayuuuu @joinclosa

buat yang ADHD dan juara 1 procrastination, ini bisa bantu kamu buat terus melesat seperti peluru!!!
bener bener bikin produktif @joinclosa tiga jam nonstop ngoding terus
I was struggling at the beginning of my account because I'm not into bragging stuff, and an accountability partner is all I need. Luckily, I found @joinclosa where I got one. I got a lot of insights for building in public here.
wow ga kerasa udah 50jam nongs di @joinclosa

it really boost my productivity
1K Minutes and keep growing!
Thanks buat @joinclosa yang udah provide environment sehat untuk berkembang!
Gokil ga kerasa bgt udh spent time ngerjain ini itu selama 50 jam di @joinclosa Klo di-reflection, 50 jam aja udh byk bgt ya yg bisa gua selesain wkwk. Berasa bgt bedanya asli, thanks Closa!
Finally, I got the achievement and award from closa today. And it's great to be able to use closa to make your activities more productive and less time-wasting.
Wow, 1K minutes!
That means 16 hours have passed as a productive person in Closa. Join closa guys! See what limits you can break sooner.
Pengalaman ikut Closa: Bisa bikin iOS app dalam 1 bulan. Beneran membantu achieve goal & build consistency. Apalagi buat temen2 yg banyak kesibukan.

Semenjak @joinclosa kerja jadi enggak berasa euy tau-tau udah 3 jam aja goks
after @joinclosa jadi lebih produktip ga cuma rebahan dan apply2 job akhirnya tergerak buat update portfolio, masih in progress sambil re learn framer
Kemarin sempet not feeling well, tapi dikasih surprise achievement dari @joinclosa jadi semangat lagi. Thank you mas @aaprianil udah bikin co-working space ini!! Jadi bisa lebih commit buat nyelesain sesuatu for the get go
Yang bikin betah di @joinclosa sangat sangat suportif aku terharu. Akhir akhir ini lagi burnout parah jadi sebelum mulai udah kebanyakan takutnya dan jadi panik sendiri. Tadi coba bismillah gaskeun!! akhirnya kelar walau sedikit..
7x streak pertamaaa. kudu nangis soalnya beta seng pernah serajin ini seumur hidup.  bener2 life changer dari aku yg tiap hari melamun jdi buka laptop tiap hari xixi looking forward to be more and more productive soon @joinclosa
aku mau blg makasih bgt ama @joinclosa @aaprianil @ahtaufiiq krn closa bener" bantuin aku buat produktif dan berasa ada temennya:") dgn senang hati ak mau share new achievement ini
definitely a well spent 50 hours on this space! walaupun projectsnya gabisa dibilang jadi personal project, tetep seru banget buat check-in tiap hari, dan bisa keep track daily progressnya.
Pre-@joinclosa, I aimed for productive weekends but always ended up on wasted a days. Now, with @joinclosa, I've had an disciplined productive week, totally a game changer for me! Now let's make it 30!
i did 1k mins working??????? icb im able to work this hard thanks to
I've noticed a significant improvement in my productivity since I started using Closa
Ga kerasa udah 1k minutes aja bareng @joinclosa

Walaupun kemarin sempet sakit, kerasa banget kalau minggu ini lebih produktif semenjak join Closa
What a 1K minutes since join @joinclosa..

Count another minutes, Game on!
tidak ku sangka cuma modal server discord buat tempat lapor progress bisa membuatku sesemangat ini untuk garap  terima kasih @joinclosa
Thank you, @joinclosa and friends, Finally, I have achieved the third milestone for my passion project. In these past few cohorts, I have managed to attain several important subskills. :)
the environment at closa its really boost your vibes with ONLY positives one, dan membernya juga supportif bgt :( sgt sgt mendorong ak untuk terus share progress karena terdoxxing melihat progress orang lain, luv it.
Wkakakaka hari ini lagi on fire develop website di @joinclosa. Buat temen-temenku atau netizen yang pengen pursue a side project, sangat membantu untuk produktivitas.
Very thankful for all the supportive community members & smart discord which allow my V1 portfolio launch. Small step as it may, it has been a fun journey & I'm looking forward to the positive outlook!
16 hours++, I want give special mention to @joinclosa finally, I can find some 'momentum' to be more productive than before. so you can join the 'waves' and be productive together
Waah sudah 50 jam
'Lumayan' berasa progress nya

Terima kasih kepada tim dan komunitas tercintah @joinclosa
it's been 3 weeks I have joined @joinclosa.I am so grateful to be here, working on things I loved while everyone are doing the same thing.

and finally I hit my first 1k minutes!
I need to admit that it has been more productive for me since I joined this awesome community. This is a new experience for me and I enjoy it a lot. Thank you for the community platform @joinclosa Let's do this
Just hit the 1k, taking baby steps now.@joinclosa

find out incredible people and get things done on closa
Along the way selama ngerjain v1 ini, @joinclosa helped me alot to stay accountable and update my progress daily!
ga kerasa udah 1000 menit belajar bareng sama komunitas Closa , ngebantu banget saya yang kalo belajar sendiri gampang ngantuk

makasih @joinclosa
ihi it's my first 7days streak! semoga lebih konsisten thank you closa! :>

ga berasa ternyata udah 1K minutes ngerjain side project di @joinclosa
Ga nyangka bisa sekonsisten ini gas terusss .

proud! 🥳 di hari ketujuh ini aku bisa post tulisan kedua di sini https://medium.com/@meiiti.

aku bisa bilang kalo gak join closa, menulis yang proper tuh beneran cuma jadi wacana.
Baru join beberapa bulan ini. gua rasa ini komunitas bakalan berkembang banget! Kalian bisa set goal terus bisa ngerjain sambil open cam discord. Ngerjain "bareng" dan rajin share progres itu yg gua rasa selama ini kunci produktif gua juga
Can't believe I've been working on my personal project @liberatecourage together with @joinclosa  for 1k minutes  (I dunno but this is cute but I feel appreciated at the same time). Not so much, but enough for me to say that I'm proud
Gak nyangka, baru 3 hari udh 1k Minutes aja@joinclosa
asyik apani apani!! 1k minutes produktif bareng closa! woooo let’s goo 🎉🎉🎉🎉 @joinclosa
Yassalam akhirnya bertahan seminggu jugaEmang akutu anaknya butuh accountability partner jadi cocok @joinclosa
memang terbukti jadi lebih produktif kalo ngerasa ada 'saingan' wkwk

otw 10K minutes
vibenya cocok banget sama yg nggak suka rame tp nggak mau kesepian juga 😂 kayak di jalan raya. banyak kendaraan tp punya tujuan masing2. nyetir sendirian di jalan sepi juga nggak enak kan
I haven't been really active on using the co-working platform, and all of a sudden, boom, first 1k minutes :D @joinclosa

let's see how long can I get the next milestone
thanks to @joinclosa, now I'm able to put myself together, control my own life, get things done, and meet many ambitious & fun people

Closa is a life-changing community server.
Ngl this platform helps me A LOT to stay productive and tick my project's to-do list. It helps me resist the urge to procrastinate. I also shift my mindset from finding excuses not to do something into -> small progress is still a progress, just do it
Finally reached 30 day streak on my current passion project (photozine)! @joinclosa

Here's to more streak (soon with a new project of course).